

尼克·罗斯(左), Justin Dumm (middle) and Tyler Kline (正确的) prepare their autonomous wheelchair prototype for the 2019 研究及创意展示 at 免费mg不朽情缘试玩新肯辛顿分校. The trio of 机电工程技术 学生s at the campus were mentored by 约瑟夫Cuiffi, EMET的项目协调员和讲师. 


宾夕法尼亚州新肯辛顿. -增强现实等主题, 自动化, information recall and 心理健康 were highlighted during the 17th annual 研究及创意展示 at 免费mg不朽情缘试玩新肯辛顿分校. 该活动于4月9日与职业联系日一起举行.

“整个活动展示了校园, 展示学生, 研究与创意."

-- Jim Shields, 就业服务副主任 at 免费mg不朽情缘试玩新肯辛顿分校.

50余名学生, 包括二年级学生塞多娜·罗杰斯, 研究项目介绍, 通过海报展示, 哪些与他们的综合工作相关. 然后对参与者的研究内容进行评判, 海报展示及自己的口头交流和答辩作品. 

罗杰斯, 机电工程技术 学生, presented her work focused on creating a program for an automated car wash simulation and expressed the importance of 学生s taking part in 本科研究. “这非常重要,因为它能给你带来经验, 首先, 展示的东西,罗杰斯说。. ”也, 你在一个项目上研究和工作得越多, 你了解自己的兴趣和弱点."

Student participants were mentored by 教师 members who provided guidance throughout the academic year. 对于罗杰斯, 她的导师, 约瑟夫Cuiffi, provided assistance and also enabled her to learn new skills such as programming. Cuiffi是EMET的项目协调员和讲师.

罗杰斯说:“他(库菲)是一位很棒的教练。. "He's really great in helping us choose a project and really fit into our major and interests. 我从来没编过程序, 他很擅长指导我完成这些步骤, 但仍然允许我自己学习."

University Libraries' 本科生研究奖:信息素养优秀奖 winners

8名学生还获得了 本科生研究奖:信息素养优秀奖 宾州州立大学图书馆颁发的奖项. 获奖学生每人获得了奖状, 以及校园书店的礼品卡和50美元的亚马逊礼品卡, 是由Jennifer Gilley呈现的, 图书馆的负责人, 和艾米·拉斯蒂克, 参考馆员.

2019年免费mg不朽情缘试玩新肯辛顿分校的获奖者包括:泰勒·坎贝尔, Hailey Dikun, 卡莉·邓肯, 凯文Litzinger, 凯莉•迈耶, Makayla柄, 艾伦·史密斯和萨凡纳·史密斯.

该奖项旨在表彰学生的学术工作 who demonstrate information literacy skills in relation to their research and poster presentations.


结合博览会,校园的 就业服务办公室 有组织的 职业介绍日今年已经是第11个年头了. Eighteen organizations participated by providing 学生s with career information, 同时也为学生们提供了建立网络和建立联系的机会. The career-focused aspect of the event also serves the purpose of showcasing the many research and creative projects happening at the campus to local business and industry.

"When we put the two pieces [research expo and career day] together 11 years ago, 这是有道理的,吉姆·希尔兹解释道, 就业服务副主任. "You have the 学生s all dressed up to show off the best things that they worked on this year and give them the chance to network and talk about themselves." 

他继续说, “整个活动展示了校园, 展示学生, 研究与创意. 它展示了我们在免费mg不朽情缘试玩新肯辛顿分校的能力, 展示这个校园的能力是令人兴奋的."

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